Added 6th april 2009 by Torben Hansen
The way they operate the CCEC in itself goes together with the misinformation given in the channelling.
There are several shareholders looking into the possibility to sue Linda Benyo & Geoffrey Hoppe !Many people are beginning to see and have left the Crimson Circle…
Read and feel for yourself the information I have collected.
I want to share with you why it is not likely that the Hoppes will take CCEC the Crimson Circle Energy Company public.
If the company never goes public there will:
An IPO (Initial Public Offering) is when a company issues common stock or shares to the public for the first time. An IPO can be a risky investment.
1.The Hoppes took 100% ownership of the IP (Intellectual Property) and put it in their personal corporation. The Sundance company.
2. June 27, 2007 read to the Board of Directors of Crimson Circle Energy Company. There was a verbal agreement that all revenue, and expenses would go to CCEC after Sept 1, 2006 this was also written in the previous Board meeting minutes.
When the money is not appropriated correctly, the auditors CANNOT sign off on the audit.
The expenses associated with the workshops have not been properly accounted for either.
The Hoppes personal tax returns for 2006 would indicate Sundance made approx. $52 thousands USD and the CCEC did not.
3. The Hoppes have chosen to remain as CONTRACT EMPLOYEES to CCEC. They decided to remain a contract employee to protect a personal 401k plan. The auditor will NOT accept that for a publicly traded company. This choice prolongs the auditors review and opens CCEC up to a potential audit from the labor board and the IRS. It is highly unlikely that the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) will agree to that.
4. There are no copyrights or trademarks in place and there is no evidence that they ever existed. The CCEC Business Plan stated that trademarks and copyrights are in place. The Hoppes stated that these legal protections were in place when in fact they are not. The Hoppes allowed CCEC and consequently, shareholder investments, to pay for these protections, after the fact.
5. It took Sundance a little under one year to get the books into GAAP. The cost incurred for two separate audits are as follows: Initial audit- $30k – 2004 and 2005 Sundance books. Second Audit: $50-$60K – 2006 Sundance and CCEC
Consolidation of Sundance and CCEC for 2007 – Cost to be determined. It is highly likely that Sundance and CCEC will have to provide consolidated statements. This will take time and prolong the SEC review. Due to the time is has taken for Sundance to provide GAAP books, the SEC will require reviewed statements for the last 6 months. This will prolong any filings with the SEC. The Hoppes were 100% responsible for turning their books over for audit purposes.
6. The Board of Directors of CCEC and the Hoppes hired a COO, (Chief Operating Officer) that did not have proper work permits for the USA and enter the United States on a Tourist Visa. This is in violation of US Immigration Law.
If there are any stockholders reading this information and have not been notified about what is going on in the CCEC, please contact me using the button at the top of this page.